Data protection and terms of use
On this page you will find our up-to-date privacy policy and terms of use for our various digital services.

Design x Cine processes personal data securely. We value your privacy and your right to the protection of your personal data. We process personal data legally, securely and confidentially.
Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to processing personal data legally, securely, and with respect for your privacy.
We only use your personal data for the limited purposes stated in our privacy policy, and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the law without exception. We also do not process your personal data more extensively than is necessary for the purposes.
You have the right to receive open and transparent information about the processing of your personal data. For example, you can check the information about yourself, request the deletion of unnecessary or outdated information, and, if you wish, cancel the processing of your personal data completely.